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Uncategorized · 9 Jun 2021 20:16 WIB ·

Keep Gnats From Becoming A Pain in the Neck

 Keep Gnats From Becoming A Pain in the Neck Perbesar

Swatting at gnats and bugs all day is literally — and figuratively — a pain in the neck. But did you know that the same product you use to massage away those aches and pains can also keep those pesky bugs away in the first place?

W.F. Young, Inc., the marketers of Absorbine Jr. Pain Relieving Liquid, often hear just that.

“We noticed an increase in the number of inquiries to our customer service department regarding Absorbine Jr. and its ability to help with gnats,” said Robert J. Wallace, Vice President of Sales at W.F. Young, Inc. “We do not market or make any claims that Absorbine Jr. helps in this way, but it became a word-of-mouth phenomenon. We also heard from our retailers that they couldn’t keep the product on their shelves.”

Shinn Bussel, a general merchandise/drug manager at the Schnuck’s supermarket in Betendorf, Iowa, is just one of those retailers amazed at the product’s popularity. “After watching Absorbine Jr. fly off the shelves, I decided to try it myself and was amazed,” she said. “I don’t know what makes the product so effective, but the swarming gnats left me alone.”

So what’s the secret? The product, originally intended to provide temporary relief of muscle aches, pains, strains, backache and arthritis, is believed to drive gnats away with its unique scent, which comes from natural menthol, absinthium oil, wormwood oil and other herbal ingredients.

The discovery of Absorbine Jr.’s dual purpose has left the pain reliever in high demand. Luckily, the makers have dramatically increased production to meet the influx of new customers eager to experience its many benefits.

“People now know that they can depend on Absorbine Jr. to be there to help them not only with their muscle aches and pains, but those pain-in-the-neck gnats,” said Wallace.

For more information, visit

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